“Ah, look at that, Bones. I’m not saying that we should have a king or a queen or beheadings and all that jazz, I’m just saying that calling someone like… ‘Sir Seeley Booth’, now that is civilized.”

“What makes you think that you would be knighted?”

“Come on! You’re serious, right? Please.”

BONES: Season Four

Yanks in the UK: Part Two


Some of you mentioned that you feel like Part One and Part Two are really the same episode, a two-hour episode, and I have to tell you that I agree. But for the purposes of this blog, and so I don’t end up with 99 episodes at the end of it, haha, I think the general consensus is that they are two separate eps. I remember HH saying that basically FOX told him that he had to create a seamless two hour production with a very clear seam down the middle. Or something like that.

Also, I just want to warn you in advance that throughout this season, I’ll be saying the phrase, “I don’t know if I’ll ever really forgive HH and the writers for………” a few times. Obviously, apparently I have forgiven them at some level, because I am doing this project, and it’s out of love, not vengeance. But seriously, I already have like five of those planned. Starting with…

 I have to say, I don’t know if I’ll ever really forgive HH and the writers for having Hodgins and Angela break up at the diner. The breaking up is one thing, and at this point (ep 98), I could care less if they get back together. But was it really necessary to involve the diner? What has the diner done besides be awesome, have really good pie and house some amazing moments? Boo that…boo. It’s the DINER, for crying out loud. Have some respect.

Ha, I have issues.


Just as she and Booth are preparing to leave London, Brennan’s new acquaintance, Ian Wexler, is found dead at his flat. Brennan and Booth agree to stay and assist Cate Pritchard of Scotland Yard with the investigation.

They take a look at the remains, and Brennan identifies Wexler and states that his death was not an accident. And as she and Booth dig deeper into Ian’s life, they discover that he was quite a player, and that he had accepted bribes.  Suspects include some of his friends, his partner Cate Pritchard, and Portia Frampton (from part one)’s father (who wanted to build a skyscraper on Ian’s dig site). But in the end, it was one of his students, Vera.


Well, this epi starts out with Clark in the lab and the rest of the team (sans our crime fighting duo) is trying to convince him to take a break and celebrate Angela’s divorce from Grayson. But then Birimbau himself shows up to the lab to wish Angela happiness.

Cam offers him a ride.

To the airport.

Hahahahaha……Thoughts from you on that whole thing? What’s my opinion, you ask? Well, I’m glad you did, because I’m going to ask it. I think that the writers do Cam a major disservice by hooking her up first with Booth (season two). And while technically he is not even CLOSE to Brennan’s man at the time (or now, for all intents and purposes), it’s still stings a bit. So to have her also hook up with Grayson, even though he is single and very attractive, and she is single and very attractive…it still feels off. Cam deserves more that the sloppy seconds of the two women she works with. To be fair, Brennan never had firsts with Booth and there is NOTHING sloppy about him or Barasa, but do you understand my feelings? Cam deserves someone great who also happens to not have slept with someone else who works at the lab. In fact, the writers would do well to consider letting some of the scientists have relationships with non Jeffersonian employees/students.

I guess what also kills me is that Angela is so annoyed. Do you think that if the situation was the opposite that she wouldn’t have slept with him? I guess I don’t know for sure, but I feel like the answer is, she would have.

But enough of that. Tell me your thoughts in the comments.  Please.

As for Hodgins and Angela, well, we kind of already discussed that.

And Sweets mostly acts as a go between for them.

Sir Seeley & Lady Temperance:

I do not understand the beginning scene where Brennan has DOZENs of wrapped presents. Even if she HAD received all of those gifts, why is she taking them on a plane in the original packaging? Who doesn’t combine all presents into one suitcase? She has traveled all over the WORLD…she understands the essence of packing lightly. This is the kind of stuff that can annoy me for an entire episode.

But for the most part, I like Booth and Brennan in this episode. I like when they interrogate Wexler’s teammates, and then later near the bridge when they talk with Pritch (and Booth has the juice box, although…why and how?)

Speaking of Pritch, do you think Booth slept with her? I mostly want to say no, because it’s Booth, and I don’t see him doing that after telling Brennan not to sleep with Ian. But when Pritch tells Brennan not to forgo Everest, it always puts a glimmer of doubt in my mind about the whole thing. What do you think?

Speaking of glimmers, every once in awhile, there will be a little glimmer of Brennan’s personality that makes me completely crazy about her. And I had forgotten about her answering machine message (heard when Angela calls her about the break up):

“Technically, you have not reached Temperance Brennan, but if you leave a message, it will reach her. Me. Temperance Brennan.”

Hahahahahaha! I love it!

Likewise Booth, his little eyeball roll when Pritch is ‘knighting’ him is so cute. Cute enough for me to forget about his other RIDICULOUS attempts at Britishisms.

And what was with the dis on the diner from Booth too? Bull crap, I say. Total shenanigans.

But what can you do, right? Except think about Booth some more. Here’s something to think about. The Booth of the Day:

The “American, FBI” Booth


Dwarf in the Dirt: Season Five





Peace, Love & Bones


<<The Man in the Outhouse

>>Yanks in the UK: Part One