“I’d say King of the Lab, but that just depresses me.”

BONES: Season Four

The Finger in the Nest



I’ll say it again. Hodgins!

He’s not the only good thing in this episode, but he is very, very good. I’ll be honest, this episode is hard for me to watch, and I think it’s because it’s quite harsh. The case is very intense. That isn’t new though, for BONES. But what makes it even more intense is that everything else in the episode is very, very…innocent.

This episode always makes me feel uncomfortable. It’s not bad at ALL. I’m just too sensitive, I guess. Sorry in advance that this post is so short, but I’m just not feeling much love for this episode. So I would rather talk about what I do like and not worry about the rest. The thing of it is, though, is that it IS a good episode. I just don’t love it, I guess. But you can tell me if you love it. That’s where the comments come in handy!


Booth (very cute in Dad-mode. Very, very, very cute Dad. Single moms in that park are fighting one another over him, haha) and Parker are playing football in the park when Parker spots a bird’s nest. Booth hikes him up and is horrified when Parker finds a human finger. It’s a darn good thing he knows a forensic anthropologist!

The team discovers that the finger once belonged to veterinarian Seth Elliott, and the further into the case they get, the deeper they get into the world of underground dog fighting.

There are lots of suspects, and I was surprised by the outcome.

In the B-plot, Booth is worried about Parker and asks Sweets for help.


I like that the writers allowed Hodgins to be mad. And now that OTHER things have happened to Hodgins, I’m even MORE mad on his behalf. Obviously he has made some of his own choices, but still…he’s so great, and he’s kind of getting the shaft. He’s good with the hate, though!

I love his conversation with Sweets, and I like that Sweets is in his office. That always works best.

There is not much in the way of story line as far as Cam and Angela, and that’s okay. I don’t mind a little less squintage when there is Parker around.

Not really a squint, but there’s not really any other place to put him, is Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer. That is pretty cool. I like when Booth tries to give it a shot.

I TOTALLY loved the Dad squint. I so wish he could have been around more.

Booth & Brennan:

I really appreciate the writers’ making Brennan a very heartwarming character in this episode. She is very passionate, and once again, we see that she is not coldhearted at all.

If you watch this episode again, pay attention to the look on Booth’s face right after Brennan asks him what will be done with Ripley’s remains. It’s very fleeting, but he just kind of smiles a bit, like he thinks she is really special, and he knows that whatever idea she has going on inside her head, he’s going to end up helping her complete it. In this episode, it’s digging a dog grave.

So…are you one of the people who believes that Ripley represents Zack? That when Brennan was giving her eulogy, she was really expressing her feelings to Booth and the Universe, that what happened to Zack was not fair, and not his fault because he was just obeying ‘the Master’? The first time I watched it, I did not even put two and two together. Then after people mentioned it, I thought…okay, yes, I can see that. But as I watched it this time, I wasn’t 100% convinced. But to be fair, it’s because now there is more information about Zack’s motives. I don’t know; it’s a toss up, I guess. What do you think?

There is ONE thing that is completely indisputable, however, and that is that Booth truly does have warm, reassuring, brown eyes, like this pic from The Bones that Foam, Season Four.

Peace, Love & Bones



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