Sometimes you have to go with your brain over your gut.

That’s nice. I’d prefer that you always go with your brain over your gut because your gut cannot think.

Your brain can’t digest a breakfast burrito.


BONES: Season Five

The Proof in the Pudding


Well, the beginning of this episode makes me smile (and not necessarily just because of the David Boreanaz pelvic thrusts). Actually, the whole Michael Jackson thing is weird for me. First of all, I don’t care what anyone says, there is no way Brennan has no idea who Michael Jackson is. Not possible. Some pop culture references, I get that she might not get them, but this? Not possible. And Booth’s dancing is goofy, and for the first time, I’m weirded out by it. Not sure why.

But what DOES make me smile is the totally plausible idea that Booth, on a Friday after work, would pick up a pizza and eat some right away. And just as he’s about home, he turns around to go to the lab because…he’s gotta make sure his partner has eaten. I think THAT is the sweetest thing! One of my favorite things about this episode.
As far as the rest of the episode, it’s not one of my favorites. I know a lot of people love this episode more than any other BONES episode ever, but I don’t love it. I like it, and I smiled a lot, but it’s kind of ridiculous how good it is.

I know that doesn’t make sense…I’m just saying that it’s like…everything we want, rolled up into one episode, and to me, that’s just unrealistic. It’s like fanfiction. Please, you know I’m not judging that. I’m just saying that  SuperBooth and Team Brennan stand up to tyrannously mysterious government agency, solve one of the greatest mysteries of American history, and are done in time for a hearty breakfast? (and also dis Hacker???). Too good to be true. BONES pal Lauren says that maybe HH just figured it was time to throw us fans a bone.

Okay. I guess! 🙂


Brennan, Cam, Angela, Hodgins, and Sweets are sequestered at the Jeffersonian by the GSA and given the task of identifying what the markers, bullet entry points (and the previous week’s previews) tell us may very well be the remains of John F. Kennedy. The GSA suits forbid them from declaring an identity; the J-team’s ONLY task is to determine cause of death.  Booth is anxious that ‘his people’ are without him,  and so he literally shoots his way into the Jeffersonian Forensics Lab where he then proceeds to use an FBI created perfect replica of Lee Harvey Oswald’s gun to shoot two (perfect) shots into cantaloupes. The ‘assignment’ is quickly shut down, even though the team is not convinced they have the full answers. They later find out that a congressional committee was considering exhuming Kennedy’s body, and it was a test or dry run.


I know I’ve said that I pretty much only like Sweets when he’s used professionally, but I didn’t mind the whole “slightly scared little brother who really just wants to hang out with the cool kids” thing he had going on in this episode. I like that he turned to Booth for guidance, and good for Booth for being cool about it. I laughed when Sweets basically said Booth probably had some anger issues but also was as awesome as a ninja.

Cam’s friendly loyalty to Booth is one of her best qualities. Since WE know that SHE knows that Booth loves Brennan, I thought it was very meaningful that she complimented Brennan at the end of the episode. I might be projecting on to Cam’s character, but I’d like to think that for her, it was a little glimmer of hope that Brennan might love Booth as much as he loves her.

 No squintern this week, and I’m glad, because it was just kind of the core team there, doing the stuff, and it allowed Angela and Hodgins to have some very meaningful moments. I totally bought into the Angela being pregnant storyline, and I thought Hodgins’ reaction was very good. He’s an orphan too, isn’t he? I am pretty sure he is, so I liked this idea of him still wanting to have a family. As for Angela, well, I’d say she has some thinking to do.

All in all, I thought the pregnancy test B-plot was good for three reasons.

  1. It allowed Cam to talk about Michelle, and it’s always good when they keep that storyline going.
  2. It allowed Hodgins to tell Angela that he loves her. I thought it was interesting that Angela considered Hodgins to be the second person she would tell (after Wendell, but since he wasn’t first, she still kept Hodgins as second).
  3. It allowed Brennan to tell Cam (and us) that she has not had sexual intercourse in quite some time.



Slight (but not at all really) spoiler alert: In the 100th episode, we get an answer to a question I had that came up in this episode. I won’t tell you the question, or anything else, and I realize that is a very, very lame spoiler, but I was still pleased by that.

Anyways, I love Brennan’s self-confidence and how she assumes Cam would be upset at her being pregnant as she would lose her superior work at the lab for a time. Haha!

Booth’s “I showed you mine, now show me yours” is just awesome, as is that whole scene where he is cocky, surrounded by the GSA agents.

Interesting that they brought Hacker back for this episode. Even though Brennan was a teensy bit happy to see him, I thought the general vibe (even from HIM) was that he is obviously the poor man’s Special Agent Seeley J. Booth. What struck me in this episode was a reminder that it’s possible Booth has turned down promotions in order to stay partners with Brennan (and his people).

But mostly Brennan. Remember how Booth told Dr Wyatt that he would KNOW if Brennan loved him? I felt like after he hugged her (which was the first time, I believe, that he hugged her when HE needed it; am I right?), when he was looking at her, and she was looking back at him, I thought…okay, Booth is seeing what we can see. She feels love for him.

The end scene is as sweet as the berries Brennan eats for breakfast. I do love it. It’s like one long squee-worthy moment. I like how Brennan waits around for Booth outside the diner. I just think they only have eyes for one another. Even when Sweets is talking, she keeps sparing glances toward Booth, and he to her. Once Sweets is gone, he offers his arm, and she accepts. It’s very friendshippy, but also very romantic. I guess maybe that is the word I am looking for to describe this episode. It’s incredibly romantic. I should just enjoy that and not complain!

The “Learning from her” Booth


The Proof in the Pudding: Season Five


Peace, Love & Bones


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